I’ve talked about the reasons to swallow seamen (it’s for your health!), but I didn’t think to mention how you can improve the taste of cum and make your partner lick their lips!

Because, if I’m honest with the guys here for a moment, sometimes your spunk is… well… a little funky. And I’m not judging you. We ladies sometimes struggle with odors regardless of hygiene. I get it. 

But that doesn’t make it any easier to swallow it down when it makes your girl want to gag. That’s why I’m here to tell you what you can do (and what you should avoid) to get your cum as tongue-pleasing as possible.

See the source image

Stay Hydrated to Improve Cum Consistency 

One of the biggest complaints that I have about spunk is not necessarily the taste, but the consistency. Sometimes the shit is too damn thick and if it’s not shot at the back of my throat, it’s hard for me to get it down.

But there’s a solution. The easiest way to keep it consistent and palatable is to drink water. Staying  hydrated not only keeps your splooge from thickening, it also keeps the salty, bitter taste at ease. So grab a bottle of water, or three, and drink it like it’s a 90 degree day. Like you’re working on blacktop. In a sweatsuit. With long johns. You get the picture.

Watch What You Eat  to Sweeten Your Semen

Everyone agrees that vegetarians have the best tasting cum. From gay men to prostitutes to porn stars, if given the choice, they’ll all go with the herbivores over the carnivores any day.

Add fruits and mints to give your spunk the most pleasurable taste. Specifically , add as much of these as possible:

  • Plums
  • Nectarines and oranges
  • Lemons and limes
  • Grapefruit
  • Spearmint and peppermint
  • Parsley
  • Cilantro
  • Green tea

Pineapple, more than anything else, is recommended more than anything else to improve the taste of cum. It doesn’t matter if it’s fresh, canned or even pineapple juice, as long  as it’s pineapple, it’s going to in make your jizz taste better.

Things That Make Your Spunk Funky

Avoid any veggie in the cabbage family. No matter how much you love cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, and brussel sprouts, I think we can all agree that they are not the best smelling things around. And if you’re trying to improve the taste of your cum, avoid these vegetables like you did when you were six.

Do NOT eat asparagus.  It belongs to the cabbage family (I think) so already it’s got genetics stacked against it. But, literally, everyone who’s studied cum to agree that it fucks with your spunk. Don’t do it.

And if you do, avoid finishing in her mouth for a few days, as it takes about 24 hours to metabolize in your system.

Quitting smoking and cutting back on alcohol can also improve your juice and help your partner get it down.

Tasty Cum Smoothie

If you really want to improve the taste of your cum, I’ve got an easy-to-make, and dare I say absolutely delicious, smoothie for you to try. Drink it whenever and, ideally, daily.

Blend the following:

  • 1 cup pineapple (fresh or canned)
  • Medium banana
  • 1 cup frozen apple juice
  • 1/2 tsp ginger
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/4 tsp nutmeg
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 2 TBS honey

Optional ingredients: 1 raw egg white, 2 TBS wheat germ, 2 TBS flax seed, 1 shot wheatgrass juice.

Drink immediately. Repeat daily.

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Vince · at

Absolutely wonderful. I will be trying this smoothie suggestion. I usually stick to pineapple juice. This will be something good to try

    Molly · at

    If you get any feedback of differences, let me know, Vince! I’d appreciate it!

Good Boy · at

I tried this stuff and it was amazing !!!

    Molly · at

    Glad to hear it!!

      good boy · at

      Pineapple makes a real stuff. U can try with your BF, For a change taste his cum before consuming pineapple and then again do it after consuming it.
      You will feel the same and will insist him to take it every time. having it daily post lunch and dinner would be more effective.

        Molly · at

        I’ve never played with the timing, but my research tells me 2-3 hours, so I’m glad to here you confirm that! Thanks so much for sharing!!

Matthew Perry · at

I going to try this

    Molly · at

    Good luck. If you get any feedback, I’d appreciate it if you could let me know!

Goodboy · at

One more boon is Ginger with mint leaves. grind 1 TBS ginger and add 1 TBS mint paste to it and consume after dinner every day.
See the magic !!!
Let know on the same ?

    Molly · at

    Thanks for the advice. Ginger is always fun to play with!

      Good Boy · at

      Yes… consume everyday. It has lots of benefits regarding sexual health.

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